"What happened after all these years? Where is the Glamour of the rag? I see beauty with out life. Like most other things of this world, I guess all are turned unto darkness. Or is that just a call for"

"Having not known of you before today , looking through all of your pics this is the most befitting of you In my opinion. Bests to all you do..."

"Glip, or (harmonized) persuasive motion; The arrangement would have drawn all of my emotions into whack as well."

"In general I usually do not like head coverings for I believe the hair is the natural covering but this lady has a look to her that lulls my mind in mesmerism. Lovely as can be."

“A Quote of Lillie Langtry
Anyone's life truly lived consists of work, sunshine, exercise, soap, plenty of fresh air, and a happy contented spirit.
They saw me, those reckless seekers of beauty, and in a night I was famous.
I am happy as happiness goes, for a woman who has so many m”

"Wow! Wow! Most excitably lively smile. Actually not really words to describe the exuberance. Just downright the cutest thing on earth."