"I never saw one of these until I was about 50 yrs old. I was walking a nearly dry river bed. I heard a sound like a kid trying to blow a trumpet. It went off about three times I finally spotted a youn"

"Love these little creatures as well. I recall the very first one I saw. I was hiking in the Fir, Cedar and Pine timberland area, there were a family of them. At first I was sort of startled I had neve"

"Thanks Kathy for the awesome pic. Makes me miss my younger days camping in the Sequoia National Forest. Good to have the memories though and you the memory maker this eve."

"Use to see these back in the 60's quite frequently. The Condor use to be ever abundant in Tulare California and other places. When the Us began to get very wealthy every other family had a few guns an"

“Once Before I Die was a pretty emotional movie once it got going. Other than the beautiful Ursula Andress there was really no other major women scenes. John Derek was the dominant male figure. Curiosity more than anything kept me from turning it off.” read more