“Bachman Turner blew me away. I had taken my stereo out of my house and the one out of my Pickup truck as well. Everywhere I went I sang my own songs, making them up as I went along. At home I would play my Harmonica and Wooden flute. Never played anyone's stuff but what I made up myself. this went o”

"Now that's a nice hobby to take up, no not bow hunting, Smiling. Well they both can put a smile on your face and the looks on this ladies face is very becoming."

"Now that's the way life use to be and still should be. Now days the average person cannot get to a place like that. They have all been exploited and privatized. To bad this old man was raised on free "

"This is the first time I saw this oh so exquisite golden glittery pic of Marilyn. I never liked her much in my younger days but as the years roll on she sort of grows on me a bit. Thanks for this m"